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Leveraging LinkedIn for Military Spouses

Grow your career for current and future opportunities through this course, which will show you how to use LinkedIn to improve your networking and showcase your experience.


MilLife Learning offers resources designed to assist service members, their families, survivors and those who support them. Take courses at your own pace, as they are available anytime, from anywhere. MilLife Learning is here to help. If you have a slow internet connection, you can take select courses in Word format.

Get Started


Red question mark enclosed in a red circle

Troubleshooting the eSAT Course?

Be sure to set up your user profile before you begin. These tips will show you how.

Make sure to reactivate your account if you haven't logged in to MilLife Learning in the last year. Your account will deactivate after 365 days of inactivity.

Red Person with Baggage

New to MilLife Learning?

Follow our step-by-step guide on how to register for an account and take your first course.

We recommend you allow pop-up windows and add Military OneSource to your trusted sites. Instructions are available on the FAQs page.


eSponsorship Application & Training

Are you a service member looking to help those who are transitioning to a new duty station? This course provides an overview of the tools and resources to sponsor a newcomer's move. As a sponsor, you will play a vital role in helping your assigned service member and their family transition to their new duty station and community. Be sure to review your service-level sponsorship policies for information about requirements.